Kanoe Ahuna is just getting warmed up. She plans on skating the March for Babies this morning, and then joining the other Garden Island Renegadez at the Roller Derby at the Kapa‘a New Park rink. If you haven’t checked it
Kanoe Ahuna is just getting warmed up. She plans on skating the March for Babies this morning, and then joining the other Garden Island Renegadez at the Roller Derby at the Kapa‘a New Park rink. If you haven’t checked it out, you’re missing out on a whole lot of fun!
Bill Troutman will be juggling the start of the young players at the North Shore termite league along with Mark Ozaki at the Kilauea Neighborhood Center, and still have time to help at the North Shore Lions pancakes and hula event Sunday.
Unfortunately, the taro pancakes will have to be passed up since there are fundraisers all over the island from sunup to sundown. Pauline Ibia (she was bummed over the rain out) will be at the Kaua‘i High School baseball breakfast at the convention hall, and there are two golf tournaments (the Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation fundraiser and the Mokihana Club scholarship tournament for Kaua‘i Community College nurses), and don’t forget Lorna Santos and the Lawa‘i Cannery garage sale to help the West Kaua‘i Canoe Club (Charlene Steuri and the Kaua‘ibots will have their “Happy Drawing” program there, too).
OK, ‘nuff said…time to go check out University of Hawai‘i football Coach Greg McMackin and them Warriors (Bob Kubota says he’s only working until 9 a.m. so if you’re looking for the Pono Market pupu, hurry, hurry!)