• Humans need excitement • Common sense • Russia right next door • Big mahalo Humans need excitement What makes cockfighting so bad considering human lives are being taken so lightly these days? People are shooting each other to death.
• Humans need excitement • Common sense • Russia right next door • Big mahalo
Humans need excitement
What makes cockfighting so bad considering human lives are being taken so lightly these days?
People are shooting each other to death. Look at the war and how many soldiers are being killed. Cockfighting is a sport and culture just as gambling is to Las Vegas.
Besides, if we can’t have cockfighting, why don’t the government create a lottery or have some game shows like “Deal or No Deal” or “Price is Right” or any game show that will give cash or trips or anything as prizes. Make our lives a little exciting.
We’re human and need a little excitement and chance in our lives.
Kuulei Niau, Anahola
Common sense
In response to “Hawai‘i lawmakers kill off most distractions” (The Garden Island, April 3): Here is a perfect example of our state government once again trying to save us from ourselves.
The first paragraph tells it all. Our so-called lawmakers once again have failed to see the possible common sense of solutions to the proposals they have killed.
There is potentially hundreds of millions of dollars to our economy as well as thousands of related jobs linked to the proposals they have killed. There are thousands of things people do that are good and thousands of things people do that are ba
We allow people to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. They are simply taxed plenty to offset the monetary burden of their actions. Government spends billions of dollars fighting the citizens of this country for the bad things they do. Now instead of using a common sense approach to the proposals that the lawmakers have killed, we are left with a few weeks that the Legislature will waste trying to raise taxes, so that they can balance the budget.
Sorry to say, if we look at the track record of those who are in power, they will surely fail as they have in the past. I’m a common-sense person and I vote!
Steve Martin, Kapa‘a
Russia right next door
In response to James “Kimo” Rosen’s March 27 letter, I would like to say the following: Republicans are not going mad at the passage of the recent health care bill, but they are concerned, and they have good reason.
First, President Obama promised transparency; there was none. He promised no back-room deals; there were lots of them.
Speaker Pelosi arrogantly said, “we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it.” Excuse me, you are passing a bill to take over one-sixth of the U.S. economy, and we are not allowed to know what is in it? A massive bill like this should be posted on the Internet for 90 days so that accountants and lawyers can read all 2,700 pages, and tell us what is in it. Also, dare I say that politicians should read the bill so that they can tell us what is in it. Virtually every government program ends up costing 10 to 100 times more than projected; we can’t afford this program added to our unsustainable debt.
Mr. Rosen says Republicans voted against Social Security and Medicaid, and now many of them use it so he thinks they are hypocrites. Isn’t it possible that a better way was available at the time these programs were passed? I don’t like the Social Security system, but I will take my checks because I paid into the system for 45 years. If I died at age 65 my grown children would get nothing because the government owns it and makes all the rules.
Mr. Rosen seems to have the simple philosophy of Democrats equal good, Republicans equal bad. This health care bill might be better if both sides had input, but this arrogant administration wants to make all the rules and those opposed should just shut up!
By the way, Mr. Rosen may want to look at a map, Russia is right next door to Alaska.
Mike Lyman, Lihu‘e
Big mahalo
On behalf of the Waimea High School softball team, I would like to send a big mahalo to everyone especially to all of our businesses in Waimea for all your support and donations during our 24th Annual Softball Tournament.
It was a very successful tournament with some of the top high school softball teams in the state participating in this year’s event.
The enjoyment and fellowship experienced by all was evident Saturday night as everyone enjoyed the delicious luau dinner that was prepared by my family (Ohana & Friends/Cucu DeCosta) and the talent skits put on by each of the teams.
Seeing everyone that night enjoying themselves was a great feeling of accomplishment for me and my hard working dedicated staff.
I would also like to extend a special mahalo to my Waimea Softball Booster Club for such outstanding support you always provide.
Teddy Perreira, WHS Head Coach