During the general meeting of the Zonta Club of Hanalei awards were given out to two outstanding women in the Kaua‘i community. Mary Thronas, a member of the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i was given a certificate of appreciation for her
During the general meeting of the Zonta Club of Hanalei awards were given out to two outstanding women in the Kaua‘i community. Mary Thronas, a member of the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i was given a certificate of appreciation for her service and mentorship in establishing the Zonta Club of Hanalei.
“Without her assistance we wouldn’t be here‘ states club president Robin-Savage Thompson in a press release.
Diane Maxwell, recording secretary for the Zonta Club of Hanalei was given the first annual Volunteer of the Year award. Diane is a charter member of the club and for the last two years has given tirelessly of her time and expertise.
Zonta Club of Hanalei was established in April 2007 and is a member of Zonta International, a worldwide non-profit organization. The purpose of the club is to advance the status of women through service, education and advocacy.
Zonta Club of Hanalei raises funds to support women and girls island-wide on Kaua‘i for educational scholarships and a program called Girl-Zone which addresses empowering young girls and self-esteem issues.
For more information visit zontaclubofhanalei.com or by mail: P.O. Box 1314, Hanalei, HI 96714.