“Tropic Thunder” opens today at Kukui Grove with shows running from early afternoon until well after midnight. Kaua‘i Film Commissioner Art Umezu said the show is being greeted with mixed feelings. “There’s a lot of foul language and violence,” Umezu
“Tropic Thunder” opens today at Kukui Grove with shows running from early afternoon until well after midnight.
Kaua‘i Film Commissioner Art Umezu said the show is being greeted with mixed feelings.
“There’s a lot of foul language and violence,” Umezu said. “A lot of kids are in the movie but they can’t even see it. The bottom line is the excessiveness of Hollywood as well as the content of the movie. ”
Umezu organized special recognition for Kaua‘i High School music director David Conrad and Mayor Bryan Baptiste for last night’s screening.
“It’s a solemn and respectful thing honoring two of our dedicated citizens.”
Umezu was instrumental in helping Ben Stiller’s location manager scout the island.
“(The location manager) spent months scouting,” Umezu said. “They filmed on six different locations — all private property.”
“Tropic Thunder” was filmed in 2007 and according to Umezu the island provided the film crew with many temperaments.
“When they needed the rain they got it. When they needed dry weather they got it,” Umezu said. “This is by far the largest production ever filmed in Kaua‘i.”
Show times for ‘Tropic Thunder’
Friday: (2:05 p.m.), 4:45 p.m., 7:25 p.m., 10 p.m., 2:30 a.m.
Saturday: (2:05 p.m.), 4:45 p.m., 7:25 p.m., 10 p.m.
Sunday: (2:05 p.m.), 4:45 p.m., 7:25 p.m.
Monday through Thursday: 5:40 p.m. and 8:10 p.m.