The impact demonstrated by Kaua‘i citizens against the Superferry is commendable and must be encouraged to continue. Government leaders have shown that they cannot stop American capitalism and politics no matter what. It will take the people of this island
The impact demonstrated by Kaua‘i citizens against the Superferry is commendable and must be encouraged to continue. Government leaders have shown that they cannot stop American capitalism and politics no matter what. It will take the people of this island to protect and address the needs of our island we all call home.
As a radio personality of a radio program called “Island Talk” broadcast each Friday starting at 11 a.m. on KQNG Radio AM 570, I have always maintained that our environment deserves the utmost care and protection in an already severed ecosystem. While on air I state publicly and encourage citizens to take a stance against what they feel is not pono. We have allowed the government to have their will for too long and it’s time to change. The people who are at the front lines of the protest efforts should be outright recognized, commended and supported. Increasing citizen involvement increases public involvement. How much longer can our little island withstand the wrath of mindless thinking and stupidity starting with government leaders whom many elected to address our concerns? How much is it worth if we the people continue to allow this kind of business venture into our lives without standing up?
My 11-year-old grandson Kalalea Kauhane Torio was arrested by the “so-called lawmen” for something he believes is not right and for standing up against it.
Go figure.
Standing in full dress military fatigues and guns does not go well with me.
I wish to acknowledge the organizers of HUI-R for taking the lead and organizing the community to act. Keep it up, brothers and sisters, for we believe it’s right to stand against those who desire money over people’s lives and already fragile environment.
Our natural resources are troubled by the effects of poor political leadership and responsible government showing little or no action. It’s about time we the people rise up to the challenges and fight to save our ai‘na. Imua!
• Jimmy Torio is a resident of Anahola.