Ten year old Zeb believes his dreams tell the future. The popular kids think he’s weird, and keep their distance. Tom likes to hang with his surfer friends, but they tease him whenever he doesn’t follow the crowd. “Dreamer,” the
Ten year old Zeb believes his dreams tell the future.
The popular kids think he’s weird, and keep their distance.
Tom likes to hang with his surfer friends, but they tease him whenever he doesn’t follow the crowd.
“Dreamer,” the Island School’s fifth-grade play penned by drama teacher Peggy Ellenburg, explores the often-hurtful and stress-filled relationships of pre-teens.
It will be staged at the Island School auditorium Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.
Students in the fifth-grade class are studying Native American history and culture. They are building a totem pole and planning a traditional pole-raising ceremony.
In the play, they lack cooperation and respect for one another, until Zeb has a dream that teaches them all a lesson.
Running parallel to the fifth-graders is the story of the carving of a totem pole by Tlingit people in Alaska in the 1890s.
Although the pole is meant to honor the patrons, intolerance and hatred stand in the way.
Only when the voice of the totem pole speaks to the people, as if in a dream, do the people understand the importance of tolerance and respect.
Carol Bennett designed the sets for the play.
Tickets are $10 for a family pass, or $6 per person, on sale now from cast members, and at the school office. They are also available at the door.
Refreshments will also be available.