• Meeting Saturday on impacts of tourism on Native Hawaiians • KIUC board election forum set • Registration on now for drum class • Search on for outstanding seniors • Corrections Meeting Saturday on impacts of tourism on Native Hawaiians
• Meeting Saturday on impacts of tourism on Native Hawaiians
• KIUC board election forum set
• Registration on now for drum class
• Search on for outstanding seniors
• Corrections
Meeting Saturday on impacts of tourism on Native Hawaiians
Members of the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement will be working with officials from the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association to conduct a community meeting on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Lihu‘e Neighborhood Center, on the impact of tourism on Native Hawaiians, project coordinators said in a press release.
The Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association (NaHHA), with funding support from trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, is conducting 17 community meetings throughout the state regarding the impact of tourism on the Native Hawaiian community.
These meetings are open to members of the public, and will provide attendees the opportunity to share their concerns and propose solutions.
Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to provide input and help play a part in this effort to help shape the future of Hawai‘i tourism and its impact on Native Hawaiians.
Ideas and suggestions will help to better inform NaHHA leaders and participants at NaHHA’s Tourism Conference, Shaping the Future – Building Bridges, “Nana I Hawai‘i I Ko‘u Mau Maka,” to then develop key strategies for moving forward. The conference will be from May 2 through May 4 at the Ihilani Resort and Spa at Ko Olina on O‘ahu.
For more information or to register, contact the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement toll-free at 1-800-709-2642 (telephone) or toll-free 1-800-710-2642 (fax), log on to www.hawaiiancouncil.org to register online, or e-mail info@hawaiiancouncil.org.
KIUC board election forum set
Apollo Kaua‘i and The Garden Island newspaper will be co-sponsoring a Kauai Island Utility Cooperative board candidates’ forum on Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Vets’ Center on Kapule Highway in Lihu‘e.
As of press time yesterday, five of the seven candidates for the three openings on the KIUC board had confirmed they will participate in the forum. Those candidates are: Carol Bain, Ben Lizama Jr., Linda Solaka-Pasavada, Alfred Laureta and Craig Maas. The three openings on the board have terms of three years. One candidate, Dane Oda, could not commit to the event, citing prior commitments.
The forum, emceed by Dickie Chang and moderated by The Garden Island editor Adam Harju, will be a two-part question and answer timed format.
In the first part of the forum, the candidates will be asked a list of eight questions prepared by the sponsors of the event. Each candidate will have two minutes to answer each question. Then the floor will be opened to the public for 30 minutes to ask specific questions of specific candidates about governance issues, not operational issues. For questions about the event, call Sandra Wright at 828-1602.
Registration on now for drum class
Registrations are now being accepted for the Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Kauai’s four-week, introductory class on Okinawan drumming.
Classes begin at 6:30 p.m. on March 3 at the Kalaheo Neighborhood Center. Registrations will be taken until March 2. Call 332-8111 for more information, or to register for the class.
Search on for outstanding seniors
ssistance Agency on Elderly Affairs invite individuals and representatives of organizations to nominate seniors who have made significant contributions in the community for this year’s Outstanding Older American Award.
Nominees must be 65 years of age or older.
Judging will be based on age, service to the community, outstanding achievements to improve the island, and personal accomplishments, county officials said in a press release.
Members of a judging committee will select one male and one female as Kaua‘i’s Older American Award recipients.
Last year’s awardees were Millicent “Millie” Wellington and James “Jimmy” Okada.
All of the nominees will be honored at a special ceremony, to be held on May 8 at the Kauai Beach Hotel & Resort (former Radisson Beach Resort) during May, Older Americans Month.
The deadline for nominations is March 1.
Forms are available at the AEA, located at the Lihu‘e Civic Center Pi‘ikoi Building (former Gem Store), Suite 330. Call 241-4470 for more information.
The Garden Island corrects errors of fact in news stories. If you notice an error, please contact us at one of the numbers listed below.
• Family members of electrical contractor Michael W. Groves wished that it be known that there are two Michael Groves on the island, though only one is listed in the telephone book. The Michael W. Groves who is an electrical contractor is not the one under investigation by Kaua‘i Police Department officers regarding a fatal vehicle accident involving a pedestrian visitor recently.