All are invited to be a part of a vision of a world at peace where a true golden age blossoms, said Kaua‘i believers of enlightenment. This vision will come about as people begin to experience the sense of oneness
All are invited to be a part of a vision of a world at peace where a true golden age blossoms, said Kaua‘i believers of enlightenment.
This vision will come about as people begin to experience the sense of oneness and joy that is the true nature of humanity. One way this can be achieved is through the experience of receiving diksha, local practitioners said in a press release.
Diksha is a divine energy transmission that makes a biological shift in the body in preparation for enlightenment.
Two who say they have achieved this state, Freddy Nielson and Madeleine Rahm, will visit Kaua‘i Friday and Saturday, to hold an introductory evening and a full-day intensive session in which they will transmit the diksha energy to participants.
Over time, this energy balances the activity of the two hemispheres of the brain, leading to the flowering of the heart and the realization of oneness with all creation, the Kaua‘i believers said.
Nielson and Rahm said they are living in a high state of consciousness, a permanent oneness state of being, totally in the present, where such things as fear, boredom, meaninglessness, and stress are no longer seen as the truth.
They have traveled the world sharing their gifts. Over 100,000 people of all races, religions, and nationalities have attended their lectures in Sweden, Russia, Tanzania and a dozen more countries, including the United States.
Nielson introduced diksha to Kaua‘i in September 2005, and since then hundreds of islanders have experienced this process.
See the Web site,, for more information.
The introductory evening to experience and learn about diksha is Friday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Kapa‘a Neighborhood Center.
On Saturday, a full-day intensive session will be held at a private home in Wailua Houselots, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The intensive will offer several dikshas, and activities to remove blocks to joyful living, heal relationships, and connect with the divine.
To register, or for information, contact Judith at 245-7944, or e-mail