LIHU‘E — Shayne Tokita, director for the Kaua‘i Easter Seals office, could not help but share her newsletter with Young Brothers representatives. Tokita pointed out that the grant they received last year for the Easter Seals’ Custom Seating program got
LIHU‘E — Shayne Tokita, director for the Kaua‘i Easter Seals office, could not help but share her newsletter with Young Brothers representatives.
Tokita pointed out that the grant they received last year for the Easter Seals’ Custom Seating program got special recognition from the Easter Seals’ president in the newsletter, noting that the $1,000 grant amounted to about $10,000 to help children with orthopedic needs.
“It’s a good investment,” said Wanda Shibata, chair of the Young Brothers Community Advisory Board on Kaua‘i, in presenting another grant to Tokita.
Shibata, whose children have grown up with scoliosis, had orthopedic needs, and said she fully understands what parents and children go through.
Tokita explained that this year’s grant will go towards getting more supplies for the Custom Seating program, which takes care of children with orthopedic needs who are enrolled in the Easter Seals’ Early Intervention Program.
Also on hand for the presentation were Community Advisory Board member Jim McDowall, and Young Brothers Nawiliwili Port Manager Wendell Kam.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, may be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or