LIHU’E — Smokers who made New Year’s resolutions to quit smoking got help Friday when about a dozen volunteers from different agencies were on hand at Kukui Grove to distribute “Kick the Butt” packets. Spearheaded by the American Lung Association,
LIHU’E — Smokers who made New Year’s resolutions to quit smoking got help Friday when about a dozen volunteers from different agencies were on hand at Kukui Grove to distribute “Kick the Butt” packets.
Spearheaded by the American Lung Association, volunteers came out from the Tobacco-Free Kaua’i coalition as well as the Wilcox Hospital.
The volunteers established a central table in a heavily traveled area of the shopping center and were in a prime location to meet early morning commuters who stopped off for some coffee enroute to their destination.
Janice Bond, one of the volunteers on hand, said they had distributed about 50 kits to interested people in about 90 minutes. Jan Robinson of the American Lung Association, Kaua’i Chapter, said the group had prepared about 75 kits for distribution at the Friday event.
Included among the “Survival Kit” was information about the free Quit Line (1-888-quit-yes), Freedom From Smoking (FFS) Online (, self help booklets, and other information to help support smokers during their attempt to quit.
Participating agencies also provided goodies such as a stress ball, desktop calendar, and refrigerator magnets.
The event was made possible through the sponsorships of organizations and agencies such as the Hawai’i Community Foundation Tobacco Trust Fund, HMSA, the Grove Farm Land Corporation, Starbuck’s Coffee, the Kaua’i Athletic Club, the County of Kaua’i Office of Economic Development, the American Heart Association, American Medical Response, Tobacco-Free Kaua’i, and Wilcox Health.
Robinson also noted that for people who missed the early Friday distributions, more packets are available at her American Lung Association office in Lihu’e.
People may call 245-4142 for more information.