I see a psychic faire in your future. In fact, I see Genora’s 10th Psychic Faire coming to Lihu’e next weekend. “This is my 10th faire,” said Genora Woodruff, “and I’ve gotten to know who the best psychic practitioners on
I see a psychic faire in your future.
In fact, I see Genora’s 10th Psychic Faire coming to Lihu’e next weekend.
“This is my 10th faire,” said Genora Woodruff, “and I’ve gotten to know who the best psychic practitioners on the island (are), and these are some of the best in their fields.”
She said that, with readers in aura photography, astrology, graphology, palmistry, tarot, and more, it promises to be her best yet.
The faire will be held this Saturday Oct. 15, and Sunday Oct. 17, at the Aloha Center, formerly the Hale Kauai store, at the corner of Nawiliwili and Wilcox roads.
The cost for a 15-minute reading or an aura photo is $25. The psychic arts is also a business for faire participants, she explained.
Before we go any further, Woodruff is not what you might expect. She does not fit any stereotype. She’s originally from the Midwest, intelligent, and grounded.
She does not claim to know the future, and doesn’t really believe anyone else does, either.
“I really don’t think anyone can tell the future, because everyone has free will. The (tarot) cards reflect the person in front of me, where they are and how they got there. A person has free will based on the direction. But they can change that direction.”
Woodruff said she became interested in tarot-card reading when she was 19 and living in California. “I went into a store and bought a deck and book, and started playing with them, and never really stopped. The readings were very interesting.”
She also said clients can get affirmation of feelings and their life path by visiting several practitioners and getting something of a consensus.
“Come as a cynic and check us out. See if what we say pans out in real life,” she said.
What she has is a passion for tarot-card readings and a belief that the psychic arts, whether it be tarot cards or something else, are more akin to helping people redirect their lives rather than any flaky hocus-pocus.
“They say everything is an illusion, but you have to deal with it,” she said. “People are looking. They know there’s more to life than what’s in front of them. We offer things not taught in school, and a service they can’t get anywhere else.”
She also offers this bit of advice.
“If you think it’s flaky, then don’t come to my faire.”
Woodruff has been reading tarot cards for more than 30 years, 20 on Kaua’i.
The modern tarot deck has been traced back to 15th-century Italy and a trick-taking game called “triumphs” (“tarots” in French). The traditional tarot deck consists of two sets of cards, one having 22 pictures such as the Fool, the Devil, Temperance, the Hermit, the Sun, the Lovers, the Hanged Man, and Death. The other set has 56 cards with kings (or lords), queens (or ladies), knights, and knaves (pages or servants) of sticks (or wands, cudgels or batons), swords, cups, and coins.
Woodruff said not every tarot hand is a happy one. If she sees something worri-some, she’ll start dealing more cards to get more information from her client.
“I wasn’t one of those kids who has visions,” Woodruff said, adding that it just became something she loved to do.
She also readily admits she is not ready to give up her day job selling Hawaiian music at the Coconut Marketplace.
Woodruff said she and other psychics depend on donations. What they charge will vary, she added. They are not licensed or regulated by any board.
Woodruff said she has about three or four regular clients, but freely admitted her passion does not pay the bills.
“I’m hoping one day it will be a living. There’s not a huge market on Kaua’i,” she said.
The participants in the faire include the following:
- Intuitive hypnotherapist and synergy coach Rita Herring will be back with her specialized aura photography camera, helping people see themselves in a new way;
- Angeline Welk is a graduate of the International School of Graphoanalysis, and promises to help people create the life they desire by analyzing their handwriting;
- Krystal Flores has been a top psychic reader on Kaua’i for more than 15 years. She offers guidance concerning relationships, family, career, health, and relocation issues;
- Kimie Sadoyama, who was born and raised on Kaua’i, will show people how their fate is encoded in the lines on the palms of their hands, with her intuitive palmistry;
- Tanya Von Zychlinsky is a psychic life coach, and offers highly accurate, intuitive readings, with clear insights about people’s life lessons;
- Gabriel Diamond’s astrology readings foretell what’s in the stars for people in the coming year;
- David O’Quinn’s channeling and healing facilitates people in awakening their personal empowerment, life mission, pattern alignment and clearing.
“We’re all really excited, not only about our lineup of readers, but about the venue,” Woodruff said. “Not only are we back in a central location in Lihu’e, but people can browse the new Aloha Center while they pass the time, if there is a wait for their appointments.
“And having two days means people won’t get shut out of seeing their favorite readers, and can see more than one reader if they desire,” Woodruff said.
For more information, please call Woodruff at 332-7878 or 482-1516.