LIHU‘E — The rumble of about a hundred motorcycles shattered the Sunday quiet as bikers converged at the Kukui Grove Park and Pavilion Sunday for a fund-raising ride that would benefit Kaua‘i’s Special Olympics program. Spearheaded by Leon Gonsalves, Sr.,
LIHU‘E — The rumble of about a hundred motorcycles shattered the Sunday quiet as bikers converged at the Kukui Grove Park and Pavilion Sunday for a fund-raising ride that would benefit Kaua‘i’s Special Olympics program.
Spearheaded by Leon Gonsalves, Sr., and Russell Haluapo, the bikers turned in donations to be part of the “caravan” that motored out to Waimea before returning via Poipu Beach.
Sunday’s ride was designed to raise funds to help send Kaua‘i Special Olympics athletes to the Special Olympics games on O‘ahu.
The cyclists step forward whenever Kaua”i’s people need help, and are quick to take up the cause, more recently helping several Kauaians who were afflicted with medical problems that created financial difficulties for the families.
Earlier in the year, the cyclists as part of the Harley Davidson centennial celebration, took up the kettle for a national charity.
Riders come from all walks of life, their weekend an excuse to pull out the leathers, strap on the boots, and fire up the ‘cycle.
Mel Rapozo who served as MC for the event, said he sold his bike a while back, but wanted to be part of the ride so went out and rented a bike just for the day’s ride.
Haluapo announced the next ride will be the Annual Toys drive where cyclists bring a new toy that will go towards one of Kaua‘i’s needy children.