• WMDs should be destroyed but who has the most? WMDs should be destroyed but who has the most? Oh, those nefarious weapons of mass destruction. They are a threat not only to the lives of countless innocent people, but
• WMDs should be destroyed but who has the most?
WMDs should be destroyed but who has the most?
Oh, those nefarious weapons of mass destruction. They are a threat not only to the lives of countless innocent people, but also the bane of political leaders who, perhaps recklessly, make accusations of their existence to justify equally nefarious actions to achieve political goals.
I wonder though, how valid is the distinction between weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons that kill fewer than “masses” of people at one time but are used over and over again with the same amount of destruction as would have resulted from an attack by a WMD.
Are the deaths of those innocent people in the Iraq War less tragic than if they had resulted from a “weapon of mass destruction”? I doubt if the victims or their families would distinguish a difference.
Having said that, I do agree with our President, that weapons of mass destruction should be located and destroyed. By the way, which country has the most weapons of mass destruction?????
Lisa J. Burket,