Kano, Maeda are ‘Outstanding’

Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano and Russell Maeda were announced as Kaua‘i’s Outstanding Older Americans Thursday during a celebration that encompassed the capabilities of Zoom and a drive-thru ceremony at the Lihu‘e Civic Center.

Texan to take over Liquor Control

The county Liquor Control Commission announced the selection of Leo Sandoval as the new director for the Department of Liquor Control.

Mixed feelings on Tier 3

Governor David Ige Thursday approved Kaua‘i Mayor Derek Kawakami’s updated Business & Recreation Guidelines tier chart, and the county’s move to a newly-modified Tier 3.

‘Forest Fridays’ program today is on Kokee

Learn the Hawaiian meaning behind some of the more popular place names in Koke‘e, about hula connections to the forest and about projects aimed at removing invasive plants during today’s “Forest Fridays” presentation at 4 p.m. online, from the Kauaʻi Invasive Species Committee and Kauaʻi Forest Bird Recovery Project.