Today is Feb. 1 so it’s alright to jump start Valentine’s Day … the Grove Farm Market has its craft fair component opening today for a preview of Valentine’s Day (Xiomara Yamileth, reporter, says the Kauai Humane Society has a pretty unusual take on the day of love … check them out). The Kauai Master Gardeners will have grafting and air layering experts available to help backyard gardeners, and there will be more …
Today is Feb. 1 so it’s alright to jump start Valentine’s Day … the Grove Farm Market has its craft fair component opening today for a preview of Valentine’s Day (Xiomara Yamileth, reporter, says the Kauai Humane Society has a pretty unusual take on the day of love … check them out). The Kauai Master Gardeners will have grafting and air layering experts available to help backyard gardeners, and there will be more …
How much can you squeeze in before Kukui Grove starts its dual celebration of Chinese New Year (the Kauai County Farm Bureau is giving away “lucky” fruit … does this mean there are leaves on the citrus?) and Valentine’s Day starting at 11 a.m. with the Tsunami Taiko (nope, Coach Beau Acoba is at the state girls soccer with the Waimea Menehune).
Congratulations to Waimea High School vice principal Penny Vess on being named the Hawaii Association of Secondary School Administrators’ Assistant Principal of the Year during a special school assembly featuring the school’s freshman class with whom Vess worked with to transition to high school. Kauai Complex Area Superintendent Daniel Hamada was able to make the ceremony after dealing with no water at Kilauea Elementary School (they were closed on Friday), and Bill Arakaki was like Councilman Bernard Carvalho Jr. in watching the moopuna and juggling ceremonies. Mel Rapozo listened to Patsy who told him to make sure he wears blue (how did we end up with purple, Shara Bucasas?).
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at