PRINCEVILLE — The Friends of Kauai Wildlife Refuges and The Princeville at Hanalei Community Association Events Committee have partnered to present the engaging Princeville Moolelo that shares the work and stories of community conservation partners, Hawaiian cultural practitioners and more.
PRINCEVILLE — The Friends of Kauai Wildlife Refuges and The Princeville at Hanalei Community Association Events Committee have partnered to present the engaging Princeville Moolelo that shares the work and stories of community conservation partners, Hawaiian cultural practitioners and more.
Hob Osterlund, an award-winning author, photographer, birding guide, Safina Center Fellow, guest lecturer and more, will be presenting “Moli of Kauai — A rare treasure among us,” during the next Princeville Moolelo on Feb. 11, starting at 5 p.m. at the Princeville Community Center, near the Princeville Public Library.
Thomas Daubert of the Friends of Kauai Wildlife Refuges describes Osterlund as “a wildlife enthusiast who knows a lot about moli, or Laysan albatross,” according to a press release.
Osterlund founded the Kauai Albatross Network and dedicates her time too the preservation, protection and celebration of moli along with the other endangered wildlife of Kauai.
Princeville Moolelo officials said guests to the free presentation will enjoy her amazing photos and delightful stories while learning how citizens can help protect this important iconic species.
The North Shore of Kauai, including Princeville, is the only place in the world where the moli nests within a human community. This, and the challenges the albatross face due to climate change, make it our kuleana to help protect these birds that have nested here long before human contact, according to the release.
The moli presentation is also available by Zoom.