M.J. Akuna (wow! Officer of the Year honor!) did not have to worry because Cyndi Ayonon called in time for the fancy Kauai Filipino Chamber of Commerce Gala (congratulations, KFCC President Marites Yano and all her capable hands for hosting the gala at the Sheraton Kauai Resort!).
M.J. Akuna (wow! Officer of the Year honor!) did not have to worry because Cyndi Ayonon called in time for the fancy Kauai Filipino Chamber of Commerce Gala (congratulations, KFCC President Marites Yano and all her capable hands for hosting the gala at the Sheraton Kauai Resort!).
The gala (see? even Jett Jasper’s parents were there) was a perfect opportunity to meet, or have the University of Hawaii President Wendy Hensel (she delivered the evening’s keynote address) meet you while having Tom Savell (he plays for a symphony on the mainland) provide “soft music” as the UH president networked with Council Chair Mel Rapozo, Councilman Bernard Carvalho Jr. (he did the finale “Hawaii Aloha”), and many more community leaders like Capt. Brett Stevenson, Kauai Chamber of Commerce Mark Perriello, and even Cyndi Ayonon.
Kekai Chock (he provides music at the monthly Wailua Creators’ Fair at the Hilton Garden Inn) was lamenting the loss of a milo tree (how many ukulele could’ve been created from that one tree?) at the Wailua Bridge project where, on Saturday, more than one vehicle parked near the relocated crane so their occupants could take life in hand to view the Central Pacific Bank Kauai Interscholastic Federation paddling championships from the bridge whose sidewalks barely accommodate the foot traffic. It’s a good thing the smart drivers (what happened to those cars near the Lydgate Park pull out, or the airport intersection?) were on the road.
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.