KAPAA — Tickets for a Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) fundraising event to raise funds to create and maintain a water well in Africa are available online at www.cslkauai.org.
KAPAA — Tickets for a Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) fundraising event to raise funds to create and maintain a water well in Africa are available online at www.cslkauai.org.
On Sept. 12, starting at 6 p.m., CSL Kauai will present an evening of appetizers and wine, African drumming and dance, a slide show presentation and African Bingo.
TheWaterProject.org said on its website that one major challenge in Africa is the ability for both rural and urban Africans to access a clean water supply.
Susan Wood, a CSL Kauai member, and a board of directors member of Aid Africa will emcee the evening.
CSL Kauai said Wood travels to Uganda, annually to see the beauty of the land, and help with the challenging needs of the people.
“Help make a difference in the global community,” said CSL Kauai. “Donations from the Sept. 12 event will bring and maintain a water well in a rural community outside Gulu.”
For more information, email centerforspiritualliving kauai@gmail.com, or call 808-431-1700.