Celebrating the Mu‘u

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Neruda and Priscilla Soule check to see how busy the inside of The Fresh Shave is, Thursday while Shannon Hiramoto and daughter Charli enter the small shop to order during Shave Ice and Mu‘u at the Old Koloa Town courtyard.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Neruda Soule, garbed in a keiki-sized muu, enjoys her Spam musubi, Thursday while mom Priscilla, wearing an adult-sized muu, chats with a group in the Old Koloa Town courtyard during Shave Ice and Mu‘u at The Fresh Shave.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Shannon Hiramoto and her daughter Charli Rude, both wearing muumuu, enjoy The Fresh Shave, Thursday with other people enjoying Shave Ice and Mu‘u at the Old Koloa Town courtyard.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

County of Kaua‘i workers, including department heads, gather with Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami and Jamilee Jimenez during lunch hour, Friday to show off their muumuu.

LIHU‘E — There are only a few days remaining in January celebrating the month as Mu‘umu‘u Month.