Tropic Care Kaua‘i is open!

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Tropic Care Command team includes, from left, CMS Wendy Beltran Del Rio, Maj. Lisa Haik, Tropic Care MIssion Commander Scott E. Olech and Tropic Care Mission Officer in Charge Maj. Jesse Hernandez, giving the green light shaka Sunday after touring the clinic set up at the Kaua‘i Community College Office of Continuing Education and Training building in Puhi.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The patient-reception line readies for the opening of the Tropic Care Kaua‘i clinic at Kaua‘i Community College Sunday as volunteers are briefed on their responsibilities at the college’s Office of Continuing Education and Training building in Puhi.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Community College Chancellor Joseph Daisy is briefed following his dental examination Sunday during the set up for Tropic Care Kaua‘i at the Kaua‘i Community College Office of Continuing Education and Training building in Puhi.

PUHI — Kaua‘i Community College Chancellor Joseph Daisy came to the campus Sunday to see how the set up for Tropic Care Kaua‘i was progressing.