WAILUA — Lifeguards at the Lydgate Park tower confirmed the presence of a baby shark Thursday morning.
WAILUA — Lifeguards at the Lydgate Park tower confirmed the presence of a baby shark Thursday morning.
“Yes, I saw it this morning,” a lifeguard said before riding off to check the coastline for potential rip currents or swimmers in need. “The water is clear and the tide is dropping, so it was pretty easy to spot. It was about in the middle of the pond where adult swimmers use.”
On Tuesday, Kaua‘i Fire Department Ocean Safety Bureau officials advised no swimming in the large pond until further notice because of sightings of a baby shark attempting to find a way out of the pond.
Officials were notified that a shark, approximately two feet in length, was seen swimming in the large Morgan’s Pond at Lydgate Park.
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources is currently working on a plan to capture and relocate the shark back into the open ocean.
Beach-goers are asked to follow all posted signs and advisories that include sightings of the shark and Portuguese man o’ war, and to keep out of the water.
For current updates about ocean conditions and ocean safety, speak to a county lifeguard at any lifeguard tower, or call the OSB at 808-241-4984.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.
“Working on a plan” to capture and relocate? If this is like “working on a plan” for Coco Palms, the creature will be the subject of a horror film before anything is done.
Any idea what species of shark?
doo doo da doo doo doo….
Went snorkeling at Lydgate Pond on August 26, unaware of presence of a shark even though shark warning sign was posted nearby. My wife and I saw a 2 feet long reef shark, cruising by us twice. The shark did not seem to pay any attention to us or the dozens of snorkelers or swimmers in the pond.