KOLOA — Multiple sections of Koloa and Maluhia roads will have short lane closures for guardrail and shoulder work from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., from Monday to Friday, Aug. 9 to Aug. 13.
KOLOA — Multiple sections of Koloa and Maluhia roads will have short lane closures for guardrail and shoulder work from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., from Monday to Friday, Aug. 9 to Aug. 13.
The county Department of Public Works and Goodfellow Bros. LLC. said to expect occasional, brief delays.
Continuing from today to Saturday, Aug. 14, a 24-hour closure is implemented to complete the makai half of the new Koloa Road roundabout. All southbound traffic heading into Koloa will be detoured to Ala Kalanikaumaka and Lopaka Paipa Boulevard.
Ala Kalanikaumaka will be closed at Lopaka Paipa Boulevard for northbound traffic, and motorists will be detoured to Lopaka Paipa Boulevard and Po‘ipu Road. Westbound traffic on Koloa Road will be routed through the newly constructed mauka half of the Koloa roundabout, and left turn ability onto Ala Kalanikaumaka from Koloa Road is permanently closed.
Large trucks and trailers and eastbound motorists from the Westside, Kalaheo and or Lawa‘i are recommended to take Kaumuali‘i Highway to Maluhia Road to access Koloa and Po‘ipu. Construction of the Koloa Road roundabout is currently projected to be substantially complete by Aug. 31. The current projected project final completion date is Oct. 13. Dates and times are subject to change depending on weather and other factors. For any questions or concerns, contact Tristan Gonzales at 808-462-8057 or Ryan Moura at 808-298-2431.
This shouldn’t be taking sooooooooooo long! It’s ridiculous! Get this done! It’s like the rail on Oahu, no doubt the cost on this has skyrocketed, but it ‘s under the radar and we aren’t hearing about it. Why doesn’t anyone at The Garden Island Newspaper look into this?