LIHU‘E — Wilcox Health, the County of Kaua‘i and Hawai‘i Health Systems Corporation Kaua‘i Region are hosting mobile vaccine clinics that will be available this week in Kilauea and Hanalei in an effort to reach more members of the community who are not yet vaccinated for COVID-19.
“It is clear that vaccination against COVID-19 is one of the greatest tools we have available to lessen the spread within our communities,” said Jen H. Chahanovich, president and CEO of Wilcox Medical Center and CEO of Kaua‘i Medical Clinic. “We greatly appreciate the partnership with the County of Kaua‘i and HHSC to help increase access to the vaccine so more Kaua‘i residents can get vaccinated.”
On Friday, from noon to 3 p.m., the van will be at the Anaina Hou Community Park at 5-2723 Kuhio Highway in Kilauea, and on Saturday, Aug. 7, the van will operate at Hanalei Neighborhood Center, located at 5-5358 Kuhio Highway, from noon to 3 p.m.
“We are incredibly fortunate here on Kaua‘i to have collaborative partners willing to work together for the greater good of our community,” Mayor Derek Kawakami said in a statement. “Here we have a private hospital working hand-in-hand with our state hospital and the County of Kaua‘i to provide free and convenient access to vaccines. This initiative is truly reflective of Kaua‘i’s caring and generous spirit.”
The clinics are open for walk-in vaccinations for individuals ages 12 and older. Both the Pfizer vaccine (two doses for ages 12 and older) and Johnson &Johnson vaccine (one dose for ages 18 and older) will be offered free of charge.
Individuals being vaccinated should bring picture identification and an insurance card, if they have one. Minors aged 12 to 17 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who will need to sign a consent form for the minor being vaccinated.
The mobile vaccination van will return to these same locations three weeks later to administer second doses for those who get the Pfizer vaccine.
For more information about other mobile vaccine clinics on Kaua‘i, visit
Additionally, Wilcox Medical Center continues to offer an on-site vaccination clinic with appointments and walk-in vaccinations available on scheduled clinic days. The current schedule is available online at
You can get easy access FREE Vaccines, but not easy access, for most island locations, NOT FREE Testing.
The Vaccines as we all know have serious risks involved, whereas test has no risk.
As well, if you test weekly and if you test positive you can immediately stay home for 2 weeks and you will undergo the natural immune process. Then after 2 weeks you will become both Immune (protected) from the virus or variant, and also Non-contagious, making you part of Herd Immunity. Herd Immunity causes the epidemic/pandemic fade out of the population.
Risking taking the vaccines is not the best idea, considering people are dying from the vaccine, developing blood clots in the brain, miscarriages, tremors, and more.
Being tested has zero risk, but will early notify you, if you test positive, to stay home for the 2 weeks, and let run the natural immune process in order to protect others from infection, and make yourself naturally become immune (protected) from another infection by the same virus, and become Non-Contagious.
In order to be registered with the FDA, a vaccine’s injected ingredients must contain either an active or inactive virus matching the bio-identical markers (like a fingerprint match) of either the Covid or or its “daughter” mutated variant, the Delta virus variant, or any other variant.
Only the Astrazeneca shot has a virus in it, a chimpanzee virus, which will not work against Covid or Delta, since a chimpanzee virus is not bio-identical to the Covid or Delta virus. But Astrazeneca is registered as a Vaccine, having a virus ingredient.
Also the Covid Vaccine, if there actually was one, will not work against the Delta virus, first because the Pfizer/Moderna injections and the Johnson and Johnson (J&J) jabs have no active or inactive virus in them, therefore they are not Vaccines at all, but are deceptively called “jabs” and “stabs” as it would be a lie to call them Vaccines.
So if they, Pfizer/Moderna and J&J, are NOT vaccines, what are they? Your guess is as good as the rest of the world’s civilians. The jabs and stabs contain messenger RNA, but they also have spike proteins that are now known to cause dangerous side effects of blood clots in the small blood vessels in the brain.
The blood clots are a surprise unintended side effect.
Pfizer/Moderna are registered as a Experimental gene treatment, but not much has been shared with the public as to what are they treating our genes with or for what. Mystery? Why should it be a secret.
The Chinese vaccine, SinoVac, uses an inactivated Covid virus, like the same vaccine theory used in the Polio vaccine way back when. We are not informed of the performance of the Chinese vaccine, but it is a vaccine and it uses the Covid virus to activate antibodies to attack the Covid virus. Maybe they are 1 step ahead of us. Who knows!
Our media is not even telling us about the majority of Covid deaths, are they vaccinated? What are the diseases those people have, like obesity, heart, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, etc.; and how many prescription drugs, 5, 10, 15, a day are they taking with multiple doses each, is it handfuls of poison drugs for decades of year, and then you are dead.
Blame the virus, but never blame the drugs, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. J&J Pharm, is sued for and must pay $Billions to women and children for cancer their drugs caused, while they knew cancer was inevitable from their drugs.
And we trust them now?
And to pay the $Billions they’ll let the Jab and Stab injections you waited in line for, and your taxes paid for, to pay for those $Billions in losses in the lawsuits.
If you are taking long term prescription drugs, you are not getting well and healthy, you are getting less well and less healthy, your immune system is being burdened with the toxic drugs, and making your immune system less able to handle infectious virus of any kind.
And now that the natural virus, that mutated from Covid, has arrived, that is, the Delta variant, which is a mutation of the Covid virus, are they going to make a whole new jab, or just wink, and tell you to take a booster jab/stab of the original experimental drug against Covid, that so far is evident that vaccinated people, in high percentages, are still getting covid infections as “breakthroughs” of the Covid virus.
Meaning the jabs and stabs are not working, and the vaccinated people are able to pass the virus on to others because they never became non-contagious.