HANALEI — The County of Kaua‘i invites the public to participate in the second public virtual meeting regarding the Hanalei Base Yard Office and Garage project.
HANALEI — The County of Kaua‘i invites the public to participate in the second public virtual meeting regarding the Hanalei Base Yard Office and Garage project.
The meeting is set for Thursday, July 29, at 5 p.m. via Zoom. Join the meeting using this link: us06web.zoom.us/j/86329084060?pwd=TFlmMWlPVVBTTmVzb2Fmdlg2QTlHQT09.
The county is finalizing design for the improvements and new facilities at the Hanalei Base Yard. The design intends to reduce the risk of exposure to flooding events, provide improved facilities for workers and equipment, and provide space for a community playground.
A question and discussion period will be held after the project presentation.
Design components include:
• Department of Public Works office;
• DPW equipment garage;
• Kaua‘i Fire Department boat garage;
• Department of Water office and Garage;
• Improved infrastructure.
Anyone needing an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability should contact Chuck Finlay at 808-241-1400 or chuck@unlimitedhawaii.com, or Michael Contrades 808-241-1985 or mcontrades@kauai.gov and as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill requests. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille or electronic copy.