Return Nawiliwili to its former glory
Return Nawiliwili to its former glory
Paddlers, surfers and swimmers inside the Nawiliwili breakwater see that:
1) There is still no warning sign at the constantly, dangerously, fecal-polluted mouth of the the stream where children play. A thigh-high warning sign is hidden in the tall grass near the bridge where no one ever goes in the water. You can see this sign about once a year when the grass gets cut;
2) Since tour ships stopped chewing up the bottom 15 months ago, the water in the outer harbor is much clearer, and there is seaweed growing on the bottom again, which has attracted more turtles, fish, etc.;
3) Near the middle of the beach, plastic waste accummulates daily around where the rubbish bin was removed by the previous owners of the hotel and has not been replaced by the new hotel owners.
Thirty years ago there was plenty of live coral in the bay. It could come back if we stop the sources of brownwater runoff and human waste that pollute the bay every time it rains.
Mimi George, Anahola
30 years ago you were working in Nawiliwili doing restaurant work and a waiter at some restaurant and it was cranking. Now you are looking for work or working some other place. Nawiliwili is known for the restaurants. That was in 1991. They had that tour cruise going on already. Ship coming in. Was that a part time or full time job for you? I’m just trying to figure out why any one would write a letter about Nawiliwili. Unless they worked there. How much did waiters make in 1991? Well you certainly know your way around town. That is the place to be if you’re a politician. But you’re not a politician. Did you happen to stop by at Rice Street Saturday morning and join the fun? That’s the community. But how much anyone would get paid for that event, is beyond me. In fact, why would anyone pay for such an event to occur? But still some business pay for these events.