LIHU‘E — Two new cases of COVID-19 were reported on Monday by the state Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office, and two other cases have been removed from the case count because of lab errors.
Both of the newly-reported cases are female residents — one adult and one child — whose sources of infection remain under investigation. Contacts are being identified, directed to quarantine and offered testing.
The two cases that were removed from the total count include a visitor travel-related case and a resident community transmission case that were unrelated to any current cases.
“Two cases reported yesterday have been removed from the case count after the Department of Health was notified by the lab that there was a reporting error,” said Dr. Janet Berreman, head of the Kaua‘i District Health Office, in a Monday statement. “We have been assured that procedures are being put in place to prevent future lab errors.”
Berreman, in a video Monday, suggested that the recent spike in cases is a combination of more-highly-transmissible variants and an increase in travel.
On Monday, the county had confirmed the B.117, “UK variant” was discovered in a Kaua‘i visitor. The visitor received a negative pre-travel test before flying from the mainland to Kaua‘i, then tested positive several days after arriving.
Last week, the county reported the so-called “California variant” B1.429, among a seven-member household cluster.
“We knew we would see more cases as we rejoined Safe Travels, but we didn’t expect to see quite so many so soon,” Berreman said. “This is likely a reflection of more-transmissible variants being increasingly common statewide and on the mainland. These variants are likely to spread more easily within households and among close contacts.”
The DOH also announced Monday the resumption of using Johnson &Johnson vaccines, starting Thursday at a vaccination clinic on O‘ahu.
Use of the Johnson &Johnson vaccine was paused for 11 days while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration examined the risk of blood clots developing in people who receive the Johnson &Johnson vaccine.
“The pause and thorough safety review demonstrates the commitment we all share in ensuring vaccine safety,” said state DOH Director Dr. Elizabeth Char. “We are excited Johnson &Johnson will again play an important role in the fight against COVID-19.”
Monday’s cases bring the number of active cases to 22 on Kaua‘i, with 258 cumulative cases.
Kaua‘i’s cumulative case count includes 223 confirmed locally, two probable, and 33 positive cases diagnosed elsewhere, as they received their pre-travel test results after arriving on island.
Ooops, there’s those nasty lab errors again…!
Recent new positive Covid cases the last few days are 4, 8, now 2 new positive people. None hospitalized, none with symptoms, just positive testing with the test that’s prone to false positives.
Nonetheless, these positive tested people as soon as they are 2 weeks through their Immune Response they will be naturally immune, that is protected for their lifetime from the re-infection of the Covid virus, just like the measles, mumps, and chicken pox provide lifelong immunity, which that same protection the vaccines cannot provide.
As well after the 2 weeks these positive tested people will have eliminated the Covid virus in their body and will have no Covid virus to spread to others, thus they will be Non-Contagious.
As well, as Dr. Fauci claims that we need 80% of the population to become Herd Immune, only the human natural Immune Response system can provide Herd Immunity.
These positive Covid virus people will with their new Immunity to the Covid virus, and being Non-Contagious, will automatically and naturally be part of the mandatory Herd Immunity.
We need more people to get Herd Immunity, however vaccines do not provide Herd Immunity because the vaccines do not challenge our Immune Systems with the Covid virus, but only the laboratory synthesized ingredients, like untested genes, Chimpanzee virus, and brain blood clot forming toxins; only getting the Covid virus, or any other natural virus, can provide Herd Immunity.
You must get the Covid virus to get Covid immunity, be Covid Non-Contagious, and become Herd Immune.
And as to Covid mutated Variants you must get infected with those variants to get immunity from them.
While we need Herd Immunity in the population to naturally and effectively rid the population of the Covid virus, we cannot reach saturation of our island population with Herd Immunity to eventually rid our population of the Covid virus by wearing the masks, distancing from others, and washing hands frequently, not that those minimal efforts are effective anyway.
The effective method against the Covid virus is in your own body, it is your own natural Immune System.
Only exposure and a healthy Immune Response can achieve the necessity.
The Mayor is wrong to follow the advice of a few medical non-experts, after all how many Pandemics have they directed the survival of or experience themselves.
Kaua’i must follow the lead of the Florida Governor, and keep open the community with natural immunity, and at the same time, protect the elderly who have multiple pre-existing diseases (lung disease, like the smokers), and people with obesity and the 5 disease cousins obesity, diabetes, heart, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as liver, lung, and kidney diseases; and these people who are taking multiple prescription drugs on a daily basis.
We must protect these older and deeply sick and medicated people.
It is clear we need to convince our medical people to stop prescribing the lazy method of drug prescriptions, people must choose the natural path to wellness and health via Prevention.
Drug therapy is like people taking substances and ignoring exercise to lose weight, in other words taking the lazy method.
Prescription drugs manage diseases, meaning you still have the disease while on prescription drugs.
The above diseases are preventable and reversible but by natural methods of utilizing, the Sun, Water, Air, Rest, and Exercise, and eating only live natural foods, especially emphasizing Plant Based Nutrition.
Get off of eating animals, their ingredients cause human life shortening diseases. Animal fat, lard, and grease goes to your arteries and gives you several diseases.
Follow the Natural Path to wellness and a Healthy and Active Lifelong Longevity.
Do not fear pandemic propaganda, instead embrace Health and Life.
Reverse your disease until you feel good, are active, and your symptoms are naturally gone, not hidden by drugs, and all your medical tests are negative by natural means.
Live and Love your life the one naturally given to you by God, by following the Natural Path, after all Mother Nature should be everywhere, maybe you have turned her out of your life, better to bring her back on the Narural Path.
Unfortunately Covid immunity from contagion is not a guarantee of lifelong immunity… Google Manaus, Brazil if you want proof…… not even the other examples you give are true examples of life-time immunity. Chicken Pox can reappear as Shingles much later in life. Who know what Covod-19 may reappear as? We, as a community, need to get vaccinated (both shots!), keep socially distanced, limit group activity, wear masks indoors when outside out home. Kauai should be moved to Tier 3, why is it not? Finally, in the absence of a mandatory second test on arrival coupled with full contact tracing the restoration of resort bubbles should be considered.
Your comment spreads opionated fear. Easy to see through , are you a vaccine seller? Sounds like it!
Unless you have an infectious disease expertise background other than a degree I am smelling from Dr. Zuckerberg’s school of online BS Facebook, the spreading of your misinformation helps no one.
Our plumber has had Covid-19 twice. Hence, getting it once is meaningless without getting a vaccine. If you don’t want to join in by doing the right thing for us all, maybe we can resurrect the defeated ferry to ship you off to island of idiots.
There you will be on a beautiful throne made of nonsense that you seem to embrace. Safe travels.
A Ware – there are so many contradictions, inconsistencies, and untruths in your post it would take too long to list them all. If Kauai were to try to follow the herd immunity route, hospitals would be overwhelmed within weeks, if not days. At a death rate of 1-2% (solid data on new variants is not available yet but is expected to be higher), that would leave 700-1500 Kauaians dead. I believe in health and wellness as much as anyone, but your solutions ignore science. Sun, Water, Air, Rest, and Exercise are indeed good for your health but unfortunately they will neither prevent or cure COVID-19. The new variants are more contagious and more deadly to both young and old. You must not know anyone who has contracted the disease, died of it, or lost a loved one to COVID-19. If you had, you’d stop the sanctimonious, unfounded and false advise. Sun, Water, Air, Rest, and Exercise are a great way of life under normal circumstances, but stop pretending they’ll get us through COVID-19. Follow the science, stay safe, and get vaccinated as soon as you can. That is the only way we will get past this.
A ware is either a troll, a kook, an imbecile or a stoog….or all of the above. Waste of time to even read that garbage
I know…I know….A Ware would say I’m living in fear. Good gracious, since he/she is just making everything up anyway, they could come up with some new talking points, don’t you think