LIHU’E — The County of Kaua‘i said vaccine eligibility has expanded again this week.
Most residents are now eligible, and appointments are available.
Appointments are open for all essential workers aged 16 and over, all residents aged 60 and over, and those 16 and over with high-risk medical conditions, including individuals on dialysis, people with severe respiratory disease who are on oxygen, and those on oxygen undergoing chemotherapy or other infusion therapy.
All essential workers now qualify. This includes those working in the following
industries: restaurants, grocery stores, agricultural workers (farmers, ranchers, fishermen), logistics/transportation, hardware stores/construction, real estate, law, finance, IT, communications, energy, media, public health, visitor, hotels, cleaning/sanitation, gyms/fitness centers, beauty salons, nail salons, car dealerships and auto shops.
Anoyone unsure of qualifying may complete a survey at
Longs/CVS began scheduling appointments at two additional locations: in ‘Ele‘ele and Kukui‘ula, in addition to an existing clinic at Longs Waipouli.
Appointments are also available at Wilcox Medical Center in Lihu‘e, Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waimea, Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital in Kapa‘a, and the state Department of Health clinic at the Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall in Lihu‘e.
To make an appointment, visit
Health officials are urging all travel-industry, restaurant and bar employees to schedule an appointment before Kaua‘i rejoins the Safe Travels program for trans-Pacific travel on Monday, April 5.
“We know that pre-travel testing does not catch every case, and as travel increases new cases will be introduced,” said Dr. Janet Berreman, state DOH Kauai District Health Office officer.
“We are urging everyone who has direct contact with travelers to schedule a vaccine appointment now. All essential workers on Kaua‘i are now eligible,” she said. “The more members of our community who are vaccinated, the more protected we will all be from community spread of COVID-19.”
All three vaccines approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are now available on Kaua‘i. Shipments of the one-dose Johnson &Johnson vaccine are currently limited, but availability is expected to increase.
Residents will select two appointments if they are receiving either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or a single appointment if they are receiving the Johnson &Johnson vaccine. Those receiving the two-dose vaccine should make both appointments at the same location to ensure they receive the same vaccine.
Visitors to Kaua‘i are not eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
The DOH Kaua‘i District Health Office continues to offer free, same-day, COVID-19 testing weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the KWMCH. Free testing is available to everyone on Kaua‘i, residents and visitors. No appointment is needed. For more information, visit
This test cannot be used for Safe Travels pre-travel test requirements.
I think it is great that they have this. Now people can come and get the vaccine. The count is rising. But I hope it will decrease. Still a lot more to go. So if you’re new, getting a vaccine can be scary. They making this open is a personal thing. I hope no one dies. Kauai is good at keeping things low. Continue doing the caution. And be smart. All for you.
Why is the definition of “essential worker” so ridiculously broad while the definition of “high risk” is so ridiculously narrow?
An 18 year old that works from home in the IT industry is eligible for the vaccine, while someone with COPD, diabetes, heart conditions that doesn’t work in one of the favored industries is not going to be eligible for MONTHS.
Because tourists are more important than residents.
The point is to vaccinate anyone with a job or medical condition requiring in person interaction. If you have a job that allows you to work 100% at home, then be happy you can avoid exposure.
Essential worker and high risk…it’s something eugenics have made a norm. Essential worker is actually vary narrow and high risk is “everyone” but, you have to be essential to be favored over the other…it’s making where we are not created equal by God…big no no. Janitor is no less than the Dr.