HONOLULU — The state Department of Education is considering the reopening of schools on Monday, March 22, according to officials who announced the target date in a press conference Tuesday.
HONOLULU — The state Department of Education is considering the reopening of schools on Monday, March 22, according to officials who announced the target date in a press conference Tuesday.
In the news conference, Gov. David Ige said many of the reopening details, including in-person learning, will be left to individual schools to decide.
“We will continue to work with the principals and those closest to the children to determine the appropriate timing on when that will be,” Ige said.
“We made great progress in vaccinating school-based and child-care providers, and I do think that helps us return to in-person learning,” said Ige.”But there is no specific date at this time. I know the superintendent is working with all the principals to determine the appropriate date to return to in-person learning.”
DOE Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto said the transition for a March 22 reopening date would “take tremendous planning and effort in a short amount of time to ensure any reopening plans continue to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff.”
“The fourth quarter begins Mar. 22, following spring break. We are putting together a detailed plan and will continue to engage our partners and discuss where we are during the March 4 Board of Education meeting,” Kishimoto said.
Stephanie Shinno, education, business, and community reporter can be reached at 245-0424 or sshinno@thegardenisland.com.
So Kauai kids will MAYBE get 1.5 months of in-class learning before summer vacation. Which is also when school admin and the DOE give themselves a 2-month holiday – despite having had the past YEAR off, being paid with full benefits to stay at home.
Then teachers and admin will return in August having made NO preparations for re-opening and complain that they need at least 6 more months to prepare – and HSTA will support this plan because they too don’t want to do what they are paid to do.
So our students will be trapped at home for yet another semester of distance learning. And so on until probably summer ’22.
Welcome to Kauai; is it any wonder we have the absolute lowest academic ranking in America? It’s not our kids who are lazy and stupid, it’s our DOE, our public school administrators and our so-called elected leaders.