Holiday couple settles into Santa’s House at Kukui Grove Center

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Santa checks on how many presents he needs at the good-kids clock Friday when Santa and Mrs. Claus appeared at Santa’s House in Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Mrs. Claus catches up on the latest events in the Santa Claus magazine Friday while Santa settles into his chair at Santa’s House at Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

“It’s how Santa keeps track of what he needs to do,” said Mrs. Claus, who talks about the features in the Santa Claus magazine that’s even printed at the North Pole, Friday during their appearance at Santa’s House in Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e.

Following many anxious moments of waiting, Santa and Mrs. Claus appeared Friday at Santa’s House at Kukui Grove Center.