Siena Agudong stars in Disney movie

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

Disney actress Siena Agudong relaxes at the ‘Opa‘eka‘a Falls lookout on Kuamo‘o Road in Wailua.

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

Disney actress Siena Agudong shoots the shaka at the ‘Opa‘eka‘a Falls on Kuamo‘o Road in Wailua.


A flier for the new Disney movie, “Upside-Down Magic,” featuring Kaua‘i’s Siena Agudong, which premieres today only on the Disney Channel.

WAILUA — On Wednesday, after a two a.m. interview with “Good Morning America,” Siena Agudong, 15, from Wailua, sat down with The Garden Island to chat about her role in the new Disney movie, “Upside-Down Magic,” premiering today on the Disney Channel at 5 p.m., Hawai‘i time.