First-hand search and rescue

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

A card was used as a clue that the search and rescue group had to look for.

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

The team’s canine are resting after a long morning of search activities.

Courtesy of Leah Kerr-Michaels

From L to R: Lybbi Kienzle, Debra Gochros, Noelle Hamilton, David Gochros, Sarah Louxz, Leah Kerr-Michaels and Michelle Dorion.

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

A new group takes their time looking for clues while member Leah Kerr-Michaels watches on. From L to R: Caleb Morrison, Andre Lister, Doug Humiston, Leah Kerr-Michaels and Lytron Shinno.

KILAUEA — Last week, Kaua‘i Search and Rescue welcomed a handful of people from all walks of life to partake in search-and-rescue activities while deciding if they want to become members of the team. This event was held at Kilauea’s dog park.