ANAHOLA – As part of the Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) for the Aliomanu Road Repair Project, a public meeting is scheduled for March 5, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Kapaa State Library. The meeting will be prepared by Oceanit and the County of Kauai.
ANAHOLA – As part of the Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) for the ‘Aliomanu Road Repair Project, a public meeting is scheduled for March 5, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Kapa‘a State Library. The meeting will be prepared by Oceanit and the County of Kaua‘i.
The CDUA and associated Final Environmental Assessment describe the potential impact of projected sea-level rise on the proposed road repair project and evaluate alternative means for re-establishing a safe and reliable vehicular access.
The proposed repair includes rebuilding the damaged road section to the original two-lane usage and constructing a rock revetment to stabilize the seaward embankment to protect the road from erosion and the ocean from runoff.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, contact call Donald Fujimoto at 241-4882 or email as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.