Mighty mu‘u

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Guests to the Mu‘umu‘u Brunch Soiree are framed by a poster depicting the many styles of mu‘umu‘u, Sunday during the Mu‘umu‘u Brunch Soiree at the new lanai at Gaylord’s, Kilohana.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Shannon Hiramoto of MachineMachine, originator of Mu‘umu‘u Month, greets guests in front of a rack of mu‘umu‘u that were auctioned off with proceeds benefiting the Kauai Historical Society, Sunday during the Mu‘umu‘u Brunch Soiree at Gaylord’s, Kilohana.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Ivory Lloyd of The Lei Collective gets help from Anais Finch in preparing for the floral crafting, Sunday during the Mu‘umu‘u Brunch Soiree at the lanai at Gaylord’s, Kilohana.

PUHI — Barbara Green discovered the staircase at the Gaylord’s restaurant at Kilohana, Sunday during the Mu‘umu‘u Brunch Soiree.