Happy birthday, Abby Santos of No Ka Oi Landscape Services who gets to celebrate her special day cruising The Shops at Kukuiula (Stacie Chiba-Miguel was looking for parking while getting kadomatsu, or New Years good fortune decorations, for the shopping centers tenants!) on Monday which also coincides with Rizal Day (kudos to Angel Acorda for pulling together this years observance).
Happy birthday, Abby Santos of No Ka Oi Landscape Services who gets to celebrate her special day cruising The Shops at Kukuiula (Stacie Chiba-Miguel was looking for parking while getting kadomatsu, or New Year’s good fortune decorations, for the shopping center’s tenants!) on Monday which also coincides with Rizal Day (kudos to Angel Acorda for pulling together this year’s observance).
Shannon Garfein of Colorado (yes, lilikoi is $5 each in Colorado markets!) was among the many shoppers getting their kadomatsu (Dr. Ed Lanson even brought a special box to carry his selections that serve as New Year presents) at the Kauai Community Market (Jason Ebesu sold out of his Homemade Ramen — yes, homemade noodles and miso for the broth, early!). Among the excitement of seeing the end-of-the-year (it’s the end of a decade, too), Shannon got to try on a head lei created by Elvrine Chow (her brother, Hank Zeevat created the once-a-year kadomatsu).
Ed Kawamura found a new use for the leftover pieces from making the kine (it’s the wooden mallets used for mochitsuki, or making mochi) … he turned the pieces into keepsake momentos for people to take with them. Ed hosted the annual mochitsuki over the weekend where Masa Tsunekawa’s family from Japan (some were still arriving while the mochi making was going on, and even Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami had his turn whacking out the morsel that is considered a symbol of Hawaii New Year celebrations).
Happy New Year, Kauai!
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.