Following are this week’s synopses of shows on KBFD TV, which televises Korean dramas with English subtitles.
Weekly Update
‘The Fiery Priest’
Episodes 37 and 38; 39 and 40 (Sun.) (Final)
Today, 6:45 p.m.: Father Kim is devastated after seeing Father Han unconscious on the hospital bed. Chief Prosecutor Kang and Hwang Cheol Bum go into hiding. Father Kim goes off the radar, worrying the rest of the Tsunami Team. Jang Ryong becomes the first to be taken into custody. The truth behind Father Lee’s death finally unearths. Today, 7:45 p.m.: Lee Joong Kwon holds Sister Kim hostage as he and Father Kim go head to head. Father Kim faces his demons and has to decide if he can forgive himself for his past. Will the Tsunami Team find justice for themselves, Father Lee, and all the victims of the corrupt?
Episodes 37 and 38 (Mon.); 39 and 40 (Tues.)
Monday, 7:45 p.m.: The capital is engulfed in chaos with the contagion spread by Lee Yin Jwa. Lee Yin Jwa goes even further by spreading rumors that the kingdom is being punished for King Lee Geum’s assassination of King Gyeongjong. Prince Milpoong and Wi Byeong Joo escape their place of exile. The people’s fury reaches a boiling point. Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.: The people find peace seeing Crown Prince Lee Geum personally visiting the sick. Lee In Jwa schemes yet again, unleashing another plot and followers of Jo Tae Koo join in. Moon Soo infiltrates into Wi Byeong Joo’s camp and Prince Milpoong finds traces of him.
‘Big Issue’
Episodes 25 and 26 (Wed.); 27 and 28 (Thur.)
Wednesday, 7:45 p.m: A mysterious woman who calls herself “White Haired Witch” goes live on the internet. The White Haired Witch accuses Sunday Syndicate of taking illegal photos and selling them on her live broadcast. Cho Hyung Joon suspects that Seok Joo is the one behind the White Haired Witch because of the photos that he took. Thursday, 7:45 p.m: In attempts to snatch Seok Joo’s hard drive from him, Cho Hyung Joon falls off of a ledge. Seok Joo hands Prosecutor Cha a fake hard drive, knowing that Prosecutor Cha may betray him. Se Eun finally gets her heart transplant surgery.
‘Healing Love’
Episodes 65 and 66 (Fri.); Episodes 67 and 68 (Sat.)
Friday, 7:45 p.m: Song Joo disappears after leaving a letter, explaining her reason for leaving and begs for Jin Woo’s forgiveness. Jin Woo moves out of the family home and leaves work. Gi Ppeum disappears. Chi Yoo prepares divorce papers. Saturday, 7:45 p.m: Wan Seung and his family tries to change Chi Yoo’s mind. Sam Sook is furious at Wan Seung for making Chi Yoo suffer. Song Joo takes drastic action. Wan Seung goes into a depressive state and begs Chi Yoo to take him back.
Jeff Chung is general manager of KBFD TV, which televises Korean dramas with English subtitles. This column offers synopses of the dramas playing throughout Hawaii. Chung can be reached at 521-8066 or