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Courtesy Arnold Meister

Claudia Cowden is Beverly, former wife of Brian, in “The Shadow Box.”

Courtesy Arnold Meister

Sabrina Patrov is Felicity’s shy, quiet daughter, in “The Shadow Box.”

Courtesy Arnold Meister

Husband and wife, Maggie and Joe, are played by Rebecca Hanson and Patrick O’Connor, in “The Shadow Box.”

Courtesy Arnold Meister

Taj Gutierrez is Mark, young lover of Brian, in “The Shadow Box.”

Courtesy Arnold Meister

Jim Warrack is Brian in the Kauai Community Players production of “The Shadow Box.”

Courtesy Arnold Meister

Cole Diamond, foreground, plays Steven, son of Maggie and Joe, in the Kauai Community Players production of “The Shadow Box.”

Bill Buley / TGIFR!DAY

Jo Grande is director of The Shadow Box, while Arnold Meister is assistant director. The Kauai Community Players production opens Feb. 15.

Bill Buley / TGIFR!DAY

Jo Grande is director of “The Shadow Box,” while Arnold Meister is assistant director. The Kauai Community Players production opens Feb. 15.

Here is a short description of “The Shadow Box,” the latest Kauai Community Players production that opens Feb. 15: