Aid group: Ships not willing to save Mediterranean migrants

In this photo taken Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, migrants stand on the deck of the Open Arms boat, after being rescued off the coast of Libya in the early hours of the nigh of Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018. Rescuers from the Spanish non -profit Open Arms saved 87 migrants off the coast of Libya in a dramatic nighttime operation. The group included eight minors. (AP Photo/Valerio Nicolosi)

The Open Arms Search and Rescue vessel arrives in Algeciras, Spain, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018. A rescue boat operated by Spanish aid group Proactiva Open Arms carrying 87 African migrants and refugees saved in the Mediterranean Sea has docked at the southern Spanish port of Algeciras after other, geographically closer, European Union countries refused to let it dock amid continuing strain between governments about how to respond to the wave of migrants crossing from Africa. (AP Photo/Javier Fergo)

ROME — Migrants in distress at sea have told their rescuers that several ships passed them by without offering assistance, a European aid group said Sunday while seeking safe harbor for a rescue vessel with 141 migrants aboard.