Surveys say: Media has work to do

I have sat in two different churches and heard two different pastors criticize the media. One told the congregation the media was lying to them. He didn’t offer any specifics to back up his claim or even cite any evidence, but nonetheless, a lot of heads nodded in agreement. At another time and place in another church, the pastor told the congregation they should not believe the media. Again, everyone nodded in agreement and there were some quiet mutterings. Darn media. He backed this up by saying he once saw something happen three decades ago, the media account didn’t jibe with what he saw, so therefore, the media can no longer be believed. And at a recent concert I attended, one of the musicians in their song included some lyrics critical of the media. It was kind of a wide-ranging general criticism of America, albeit with a hopeful ending, so might as well include the media.