The Earth is a potential paradise, a garden of unimaginable beauty expressed in color, sound and design. Each person spending time on this potential garden has a role to play in actualizing the creator’s dream for the earth.
To be a responsible tenant takes character strength, highest integrity and an undefinable spirit of goodness. Such a tenant helps to maintain the earth through its internal power to create community bonding, uplift attitudes, and transform actions. The archetype of the letter “Yy” teaches you to be that kind of a tenant.
The archetype of the letter “Yy” tells you to look at a mountain and feel its towering strength. It asks of you to have that strength of presence in the world. The archetype continues its message reminding you to learn from nature how to be a supportive tenant on the earth:
Look to the flowing streams, rivers and oceans. Be a flowing stream of kindness and compassion in your family life, relationships, wherever they may be, and in your community.
Look to the rose and watch its petals unfold. Be like that rose and let your petals of qualities unfold.
Look to the tallest Sequoia tree. Be that tallness of character in your chosen lifestyle and in your service, that all can benefit from your presence and helpfulness.
The archetype of the letter “Yy” calls your attention to the natural sounds of the earth. Hear the sounds of the meadow lark as it sings its melodious tones. When you speak, let your voice carry the sounds of hope, promise, and aspiration.
Hear the sounds of the swinging branches of a tree, moving freely with the breeze and the wind. Listen inwardly to the voice of your spirit that you may freely express what is the potential of your nature.
Hear the sound of the deer leaping across the golden fields of the world. Be like that deer gracefully gliding across the fields of wisdom. Listen to the prompting that comes from your heart to define your own golden field of wisdom.
And when your time on this potential earth garden is complete and you have been a responsible in making beneficial choices, the archetype says that you will inwardly hear from the Earth, “Thank you for being a cherished tenant.”
Angeline Welk of Princeville is a professional handwriting analyst. She writes this regular column for The Garden Isand and maintains a Website at She can be reached at