What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and for one Kauai couple, they will soon find out just what exactly that means.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and for one Kauai couple, they will soon find out just what exactly that means.
Theresa Inouye said she was ecstatic to learn her name had been drawn from among the hundreds of entries in TGI’s and Midweek’s holiday gift guide drawing this year.
They won a trip for two to Las Vegas.
Her husband Robert, who will be accompanying her on this trip, was also excited.
“We’ve only been to Las Vegas one other time,” Theresa nouye said. “We’re looking forward to being tourists, for the adventure of it all.”
The pair said they will plan on redeeming their prize sometime next summer, when they will take in the sights, visit the hotels and see some of the shows.