Honoring sovereigns

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The All Saints’ choir performs at the Feast of Holy Sovereigns in front of the space where the pipe organ being constructed in California will eventually find its home, the space being indicated by a banner showing a rendition of the organ. The organ is expected to be installed in 2018.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Acolyte Braden Tabura leads the recessional from the Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns Sunday at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Kapaa.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Ita Rubio performs a hula as the All Saints’ choir perform the offertory anthem with lyrics by Chucky Boy Chock and arranged by Henry Adams Curtis Sunday during the Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Kapaa.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Members of Hale O Na Ali‘i, a benevolent Hawaiian society, receive communion from the Rev. Ryan Newman Sunday during the Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Kapaa.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Ita Rubio performs a hula to Ku‘u Lei Hiwahiwa, a post-communion anthem composed by Chucky Boy Chock and arranged by Henry Adams Curtis, Sunday as the Rev. Ryan Newman of the All Saints’ Episcopal Church prepares for the recessional of the Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns Sunday in Kapaa.

KAPAA — The Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns traditionally takes place during the Emmalani Festival, which remembers Queen Emma’s visit to Kauai in 1871.