Style.Kauai at Poipu kicks off Hawaii International Fashion Week

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Candace Boxer enjoys her day off by buying things at Style.Kauai at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Chanterelle Chantara celebrates her birthday at her table Sunday during Style.Kauai at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Lani Costido takes a break from coordinating models and dancing for Ori Uvira Sunday before the balloon sculpture at the Style.Kauai event at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Maile Bloxsom of Vicky’s Fabrics walks Lani, who dons a holiday-oriented fashion piece Sunday during the canine fashion show at the Style.Kauai event at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Designer Magenta Billette is at the back of the line of models displaying her creations as Joseph Figaroa narrates Sunday during Style.Kauai at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Dancers from Ori Uvira, including Megan Taylor, Courtney Teves, Lani Costido, Celina Rivera and Wehi Torcato combine contemporary Polynesian dance with Polynesian fashion Sunday during the Style.Kauai show at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu.

Dennis Fujimoto