Some solutions don’t make sense
Some solutions don’t make sense
I am on the wrong planet: 7.5 billion human population and rising, threatening environmental stability of planet (have you noticed lack of housing, skyrocketing rents?).
Solution: Have more kids! Make it hard to get birth control! Insist that sex is just for procreation! (Get a grip.) Rising carbon dioxide levels scientifically proven to cause climate change.
Solution: Ignore science if you don’t like it! Encourage development near sea level; promote and continue massive burning of fossil fuels. Kauai traffic at a standstill. Current development and infrastructure situation unsustainable.
Solution: Encourage further development! Propose additional taxes to pave horrible roads and broken down bridges. (How about a salary cut and departmental cost-cutting measures instead, guys?) Tinkering with cellular genetic information producing GMOs; spray everything in sight with herbicides and pesticides.
Solution: Insist that GMOs are safe (ignore certain scientific studies) and spray everything that moves. Make sure to spray extra so it gets into the ocean. Potential nuclear exchange between North Korea and the USA (both at fault because of testosterone problems.)
Solution: Just ignore it and have a good day while you rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Molly Jones, Kapaa