HANAMAULU – The Department of Water has scheduled a water shutdown for select Hanamaulu customers on Hipa Road, Hehi Road and on a portion of Kuhio Highway; mauka side, near Laukona Street. Water will be turned off on Tuesday, July
HANAMAULU – The Department of Water has scheduled a water shutdown for select Hanamaulu customers on Hipa Road, Hehi Road and on a portion of Kuhio Highway; mauka side, near Laukona Street. Water will be turned off on Tuesday, July 11 from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Wednesday July 12; weather permitting.
The ten-hour water shutdown will allow private contractor, Earthworks Pacific, Inc. to tie in a new control valve to the area’s water tank.
The DOW will provide a trailer-mounted water tank with potable water for essential water needs and will be on Hanamaulu Road, near King Kaumualii Elementary School. Customers will need to bring water containers.
Hanamaulu customers outside of the affected areas will be advised to limit water use to essential needs only and may experience low water pressure during the overnight shutdown.
The DOW will notify affected customers via door to door notices on July 7.