Smilie Punzal of Aurai Fitness (he’s got his lighted sign coming, shortly) was especially proud Salisa Pegeder took the swimsuit (physical fitness in some pageants) phase, Saturday night. Smilie said Salisa has been conditioning for about a month after being
Smilie Punzal of Aurai Fitness (he’s got his lighted sign coming, shortly) was especially proud Salisa Pegeder took the swimsuit (physical fitness in some pageants) phase, Saturday night. Smilie said Salisa has been conditioning for about a month after being recommended by the Island School counselor.
Now that she’s the Miss Kauai Filipina, Smilie said they have a lot less time to do a lot more before the state pageant.
Congratulations to Charlmaine and Adams Bulosan on heading up a great Miss Kauai Scholarship Pageant (Jose Bulatao got ringside seats to watch the Bailes de Jose with Steven Domingo and Alan Villaflor directing).
OK, Tim and Darlene Leefeldt (remember the Water Ripper?) are back in town for a couple of weeks. You might catch them tearing up the water with their fancy “ripperball,” or better yet, organizing some fancy water games.
Kawaihau Community Little League president Jason Nagahisa invites everyone to check out the Hawaii Little League Majors District tournament which starts Friday at noon at the Bryan Baptiste Memorial Sports Park Main Diamond.
Maluhia Road will be shut down Saturday as the Poipu Beach Resort Association leads the traditional Tree Tunnel cleanup marking the start of the Koloa Plantation Days celebration.
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at