Most Kauaians prefer small government, not a bully of big government. USPS has all the right to make their own business decision on anything that will be conducive to their business future success. They have very competent, efficient, intelligent, knowledgeable
Most Kauaians prefer small government, not a bully of big government.
USPS has all the right to make their own business decision on anything that will be conducive to their business future success.
They have very competent, efficient, intelligent, knowledgeable resources to help them in their decision-making process. How selfish and shameful of some residents to think their feelings, wants and desires should matter most, when any business after years of operation have seriously considered to make alterations to their current status. Fantastic! They must have learned one of life’s greatest lesson: Insanity equals doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. No more insanity for the Lihue USPS. Touché.
Most of us are extremely aware that the intersection on Rice Street of the Lihue Post Office is just a set of numerous terrible accidents, waiting to happen. Most of us are proactive, so we want to see prevention exercised there immediately. How many more deaths will it take before the whole island roars out, “Stop!” The USPS is again terrific in considering this problem. Again, touché.
Set up more parking? Totally absurd! It’s getting worst after decades. Again, USPS, touché. Yes, not happening anytime soon.
They’ve exceeded whatever space they had. It could potentially contribute to another safety crisis. Picture this, they are trying to squeeze in a 20,000 population structure which now has a need for a new 73,000-plus population structure. Really? This is a no-brainer for most of us. Just like us when we wore a size one in high school, now we need a size 12? No can do. Impossible!
Annex location
Perfect for much needed expansion to meet the ever-growing population of 73,000-plus. They have the land for building a more modernized, spacious , efficient, ADA accommodations, safer location away from the traffic and hubbub of the proposed “city center,” bus accommodations, maybe a waiting lounge, two or three more pickups of sending the mail out per day since convenience of airport proximity, or if you treat them with much aloha and respect, they might surprise you all with extended hours like UPS Monday-Friday until 6 or 7 p.m. Saturday all day until 5 p.m. You, small businesses and many of us long-time residents would love them to pieces.
Historical building
What a gorgeous building! Come on you intelligent, creative, ingenious, talented, mature Kauaians! Get those creative juices thinking outside of the box with wonderful innovative ideas. How about using that space for start-up businesses, sharing ideas, event planning, stimulate our economy with new ideas, help our young and more matured brainstorm cooperatively, maybe beginnings of pseudo Silicon Valley or called Nature’s Paradise, or even exposure and career start.
Reputable direct marketing, no need reinvent the wheel, etc. We’ll be praying that Father God will provide for our needs. The possibilities are endless if all are encouraged to dream again. Let’s give all our brothers and sisters of our Kauai ohana hope, in this gorgeous home we all call Kauai.
Spread aloha daily. No fo’git!
Annette Oda was born and raised on Kauai.