In the news recently have been articles and interviews describing the super-bug problem that is about to become one of the biggest issues in modern- day society. We have quite literally created a monster by the overuse of antibiotics. This
In the news recently have been articles and interviews describing the super-bug problem that is about to become one of the biggest issues in modern- day society. We have quite literally created a monster by the overuse of antibiotics. This has come about in a short period of time since the large scale introduction of antibiotics only about 60 years ago.
Antibiotics are prescribed and taken whether the pathogen is a bacteria or not and antibiotics are given prophylactically to agricultural animals in order to bring them “healthily” to market. It is estimated for example that over 90 percent of turkey meat products are treated with antibiotics.
This means when you eat a product treated with antibiotics you acquire some of the drug into your body and the natural bacteria that live on and in you are “teased” with the antibiotic. They are not killed, but build up defenses against the drug and become resistant to it.
As this happens repeatedly, whether through intentional antibiotic treatment or unintentionally through consumption of modern-day processed animal products, the super bug is created that is resistant to any antibiotic treatment available.
Here’s the issue: Many bacteria in small amounts or in otherwise healthy individuals are not harmful. However, if the person becomes sick or their immune system fails or the bacteria proliferate to levels that are harmful and there is nothing that can kill them, then we have a serious problem. This is why you are hearing about so many diseases that we thought were eradicated from the globe now re-emerging stronger than ever and we are defenseless.
A very interesting book has come to my attention through one of my dear personal fitness clients. It is called “101 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice for Your Better Health.”
In the forward of the book, Dr. Steven Hall notes that during the first half of the 20th century a great deal of common-sense health care information was lost as Western civilization went through the institutionalization and industrialization of medicine. He claims that more and more people are reclaiming our common-sense knowledge, personal choices and growing awareness of the importance of good food choices, the importance of nutrients, and antioxidants.
I sincerely hope this is true because with the health challenges ahead, we are going to need all the natural defenses that we can muster. Because the over-use of antibiotics have left us vulnerable and because big pharmaceutical companies are much more interested in researching more lucrative products that are used more extensively and for longer periods than the typical 10-day course of antibiotics, we must muster alternative and more natural immune enhancing defenses.
This is where the Noni juice comes in. Noni juice has many types of phytonutrients known to boost the immune system, inhibit viruses, and contains a precursor to xeronine that improves the functioning of enzymes and cell wall receptors as well as strengthening the body’s protein.
Dr. Hall, who has worked in the field of natural alternative medicine for many years, notes that he has not seen another natural substance as widely effective as Noni fruit juice in bolstering the immune system and as appropriate for many different health conditions.
We got some Noni fruit from the same client who lent me the book. In its ripened state it is pretty smelly, but the taste is not as bad as the smell. What the author of the book, Isa Navarre, states is that the juice although somewhat processed, is not smelly and it still contains all the benefits of the juice.
She advises that you drink the prepared juice — a couple of tablespoons a day, and make your own oils and paste for topical use from the juice too. I kind of like being in complete control and am getting used to the pungent aroma of the fruit, which we have in abundance on Kauai. Of course it is up to you.
The older people on the island are a good source of stories about the effectiveness of Noni for many conditions and your own body will tell you if it is right for you. The author of the book claims that Noni is right for many health conditions and although she (and I) acknowledges that you should always seek medical advice, she advocates the inclusion of Noni into your preventative health care and for treatment of many conditions. It is worth checking out.
As always, I’m hoping to improve your knowledge and your power to make informed choices. I trust ancient wisdom. Aloha!
Jane Riley is a certified personal trainer, adviser and behavior change specialist. She can be reached at or (808) 212-8119 and