NAWILIWILI — For the past several weeks, the Lihue Airport Transportation Security Administration has been collecting donations for its “Stick A Fork In It” food drive. TSA workers were thrilled to learn the effort topped 300 pounds Thursday when they
NAWILIWILI — For the past several weeks, the Lihue Airport Transportation Security Administration has been collecting donations for its “Stick A Fork In It” food drive.
TSA workers were thrilled to learn the effort topped 300 pounds Thursday when they dropped off the collection at the Kauai Independent Food Bank facility.
“This is more than last year,” said Travis Medina, Kauai TSA manager. “Last year, we were in the 200-pound range. I’m glad we could do more.”
Kelvin Moniz, KIFB executive director, said the Feds Feed Families contribution will launch the food bank’s annual Holiday Food and Fund Drive, which has a goal of $40,000 and 40,000 pounds of food.
“Officially, we launch the program on Oct. 1 and continue through the end of the year,” Moniz said.
KIFB will be hosting its 2015 Holiday Kick-Off Food Drive from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 3 at the Kukui Grove Center.
“We are honored to partner with Kauai Independent Food Bank,” said Wade Lord, Kukui Grove Center general manager. “This is a great opportunity for the Kukui Grove Center and the community to help those in need during the holiday season. We all need to work together and provide the basic life necessity of food to all those in need.”
During the collection day, Kukui Grove will match $1 for every donated canned good, up to $1,500. Kukui Grove will also reward a merchant who collects the most for the food drive with a pizza party.
Participating retailers in the shopping center will offer discounts for canned goods donations, and collection stations will be located throughout the mall.
Dow Agroscience will be delivering 3,000 pounds of food for the drive.