• Do your homework on nuclear power • Do my eyes deceive me? • In the spirit of ‘adult discussion’ Do your homework on nuclear power In regards to the letter March 20 talking about how “clean nuclear energy” is.
• Do your homework on nuclear power
• Do my eyes deceive me? • In the
spirit of ‘adult discussion’
Do your homework on nuclear power
In regards to the letter March 20 talking about how “clean nuclear energy” is. Are you kidding me?
Does that man have any idea what he is talking about? Where does he think the by-product of this energy source goes? Does he think it just evaporates into thin air?
Seriously, this scares the daylights out of me. I’m not a nuclear scientist but I do know that possibly hundreds of generation from now are going to be dealing this mess.
I’m talking about “toxic waste” that has a life span of maybe of thousands of years. What is also troubling is the containment vessels will most likely wear out before the toxic material does.
So please, people that think nuclear energy is clean and safe, do your homework.
Linda Bothe, Kalaheo
Do my eyes deceive me?
The Garden Island’s article “Trash collection tax to take effect July 1” stated matter of factly that “The average overtime per employee during that six-month period (July to December 2010) was $12,237; the average sick leave was 138.4 hours.”
Was the overtime generated as a result of garbage collectors being sick? If this is the case, it appears that there is good money in calling in sick. Figure it out on your own calculator: Take the salary of “the average overtime per employee during that six month period” which was stated as being “$12,237” and divide that by the “average sick leave” per employee which was 138.4 hours and see where the Golden Goose laid the Golden Egg.
$12,237 divided 138.4 hours sick leave = $88.41 per hour!
Of course, that’s what my cheap little calculator came up with. Better check that out since I do not make that kind of money per hour teaching your children as a substitute teacher to buy an expensive calculator.
As a matter of fact, substitute teachers have even had portions of their salaries withheld by our state employer: the Department of Education. We had to sue the state and won and still haven’t been paid our back pay from years ago. Of course, substitute teachers have no union or government agency “watching our backs.” Unions do not want substitute teachers unionized nor does the State Legislature.
It is time government got out of going into business and competing with the private sector. Management and collection of garbage needs to be put out for bid to the private sector so taxpayers can witness “transparent” competitive bidding for jobs and services that need to be done professionally, including education!
Many other services need to be done and should also be soliciting bids to get those jobs done. Government has no concept or concern for professionalism. Think about it and then do something about it!
John Hoff, Lawa‘i
In the spirit of ‘adult discussion’
Mr. Lyman, exactly what “idea” are you discussing in an “adult way” when you are questioning the birthplace of the sitting president, a couple of years into his term? (“Discuss ideas, don’t call names,” Letters, March 14)
As far as I can tell, there isn’t one, and this needs to be given a rest already. The intention of such tactics is very clear, and you know very well it isn’t to spur debate or discussion — it is simply to call into question whether or not he can legally be the president so the real “sheeple” can get all stirred up in their idiocy. Perhaps they’ll even be tempted to take matters into their own hands and rid us of this scourge by any means necessary. While it may not make you or others racist to do such, I will say these two things:
1) It calls into question your ability to think rationally, and seems borderline seditious.
2) If this man were white and the situation was exactly the same otherwise, you and people like you most likely would not be asking such a question, bringing up madrasas over and over again, and insisting on using his middle name all the time to hammer home some ridiculous “point” that he is somehow very different from you and therefore a threat. Not racist, but certainly not race-neutral.
If you don’t like his policies, fine. Talk about the policies.
And as for Palin, she can’t be let off that easily. Charlie Gibson asked her “What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?” She responded, “They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.” This is a stupid answer. She only barely salvaged the situation by stating, at Mr. Gibson’s continued pressing, that she was talking about “how small the world is” why it’s important to maintain good relations. I say “only barely” because that statement could be made of any country on the globe, and yet we don’t try to maintain good relations with every country on the globe.
One final thing: If you don’t like “a slick-talking guy with no experience to be president,” what do you think of a “dumb-as-a-rock, malapropism-dropping guy with no experience to be president?” Nobody in particular in mind here, just asking, in the spirit of “adult discussion.”
Michael Mann, Lihu‘e