HANAPEPE — Gwen Hamabata, raised in the environs of the former Green Garden restaurant, was checking the soup stock for activity, Thursday. “We’re going to have chicken soup, and pig’s feet soup with togan,” Hamabata said. “It’s not squash. It’s
HANAPEPE — Gwen Hamabata, raised in the environs of the former Green Garden restaurant, was checking the soup stock for activity, Thursday.
“We’re going to have chicken soup, and pig’s feet soup with togan,” Hamabata said. “It’s not squash. It’s winter melon. Togan!”
That is one of the menu items available when the Hanapepe United Church of Christ opens the doors of its social hall to “Bento Bakko, Etc.,” today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Before that, we’ll have the blessing of the animals at 9 a.m.,” said Nancy Sato, chair of the Bento Bakko, Etc. “The blessing of the animals is always in the first week of October, but you’ll have to talk to the pastor to get more details on that.”
Sato was busy balancing the preparation for the Saturday food event while keeping an eye on the clock in preparation for the church’s weekly community lunch.
“Right now, the stew is cooking, and the hall is being used by Tutu & Me until 10:30,” Sato said. “After they leave, we can start preparing for the Saturday event.”
Sato said the bento box items include chicken and beef teri, and nishime.
Lyle Bjork was putting in the condiments for the local-favorite macaroni salad that will grace the bento lunches.
“We’ll also have manju, chi chi dango, tsubushi an shortbread, and a lot of potted plants,” Sato said. “We’ve already made about 900 manju and the refrigerator is jammed with food for Saturday.”
Hamabata, checking the various pots for signs of activity, said it needs to be rolling smoothly, adjusting the stove burner so the stock would have the proper rolling “activity.”
“It’s going to taste good,” Hamabata said. “When was the last time you had old-fashioned chicken soup? With togan!”
E-mail satol0121@hawaii.rr.com for more information.
• Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com.